Magika’s new cartoony MMO.
Get 4 other people to sign up and you’ll also get a free copy of Magika on Steam and some exclusive items.
Sign up for the Alpha HERE
Indie Game Alpha and Beta tests. Small independent games.
More of an experience than a game. This visually stunning creation feels like you’re flying through a graphic equaliser. It features 5 different songs at the moment, but you can upload your own ones. Features Occulus Rift support.
Download the Alpha direct from their Greenlight page HERE
Make sure to read the README File so you know what you’re doing.
If you like it, remember
A nice little RPG Horror game, Made with RPG Maker Ace. Six film students visit the Screaming Woods to create a documentary about the mysteries of the woods,
several people have been reported missing in the Screaming Woods recently and you and your friends are there to investigate these woods, but these kids have no idea what they’re in for.
Watch the trailer and Download
A very Gory and very silly game. You play as Twisty; the evil, disembodied floating brain with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, as he makes his way through this bizarre mental facility, fighting enemies and solving puzzles in order to secure his own “early release” from the asylum.
Download the full game for free HERE
Vote for them on Greenlight HERE