House of Necrosis – Alpha Demo

House of Necrosis is an isometric turn-based roguelike survival horror adventure where you fight your way through a monster-filled mansion inspired by Resident Evil’s Spencer Mansion.

With a setting and visual style heavily inspired by the original Resident Evil Game, House of Necrosis sees you entering a creepy old mansion in search of a special forces team that went missing. The game has two main gameplay elements – one where you can wander around small areas of the mansion in real-time with a fixed camera view (as in RE) and the turn-based roguelite dungeons/missions.

The turn-based roguelite dungeons are where all the combat takes place and sees you exploring randomly generated dungeons filled with loot and monsters. The monsters only move or attack when you do, so you have plenty of time to plan your actions and you have a sizeable health bar so you can deal with most of the normal monsters fairly easily (unless you get surrounded).

The turn-based combat and the large health bar does take away from the horror element a little, but it’s a clever mash-up of genres that has a lot of promise. Well worth checking out for a bit of survival horror with plenty of replayability.

Download The House of Necrosis Alpha Demo Here (Windows)

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